What is the punishment for alienation in Islam?
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Islam strictly prohibits illicit relations between men and women. Illicit sexual intercourse is called jenna in the eyes of Islam. For this reason, Islam strictly prohibits all activities that induce sexual intercourse.
In a hadith, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said, the adultery of the eyes is to see, the adultery of the ears to hear, the adultery of the tongue to speak, the adultery of the hands to catch, the adultery of the feet to walk, the mind desires and the place of shame turns it into truth or falsehood. (Sahih Muslim: 2657)
Islam forbids talking to other people unless absolutely necessary. For this, Allah commands all men and women to preserve their character and says, “Do not approach adultery.” It is obscene and indecent behavior. (Surah Bani Israel: 32)
Describing the punishment for adultery between unmarried men and women, Allah says, flog both the adulterer and the adulteress with 100 lashes. (Surah Noor: 2)
And the Islamic Shari’ah ordered stoning to death as punishment for adulterous and married men and women.
On the authority of Ubadah Ibn Samit (RA), he said, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said, collect the law from me. Collect the law from me. Allah has given a system as a punishment for the indecent acts of married men and women. Unmarried youths are punished with 100 lashes and exile for one year. And the punishment for married men and women is 100 lashes and stoning. (Sahih Muslim: 1690; Abu Dawud: 4415, 4416; Tirmidhi: 1434; Ibn Majah: 2598)
If one of the adulterous men and women is married and the other is unmarried, the married one should be stoned to death and the unmarried one should be given 100 lashes.
Not only that, but if you want to be freed from punishment in the afterlife, you must repent in your heart. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said, the state of one who repents from sin is as if he had no sin. (Ibn Majah: 4250; Shuabul Iman: 7196, Sahihut Targhib: 3145)
Apart from this, Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has announced a special reward for those who protect the private parts. Narrated by Hazrat Sahl Ibn Saad (R.A.), Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.) said, I will be the guarantor of Paradise for the one who is the guarantor of the protection of the face and private parts. (Bukhari: 7658)
Islam mentions meeting a brother-in-law as a grave sin. Narrated by Hazrat Uqba Ibn Amer (R.A.), Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.) said, Be careful, do not approach women even in private. An Ansar Sahabi said, O Rasulullah, what is your instruction about Debor? Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) said, God is equivalent to death. (Muslim: 2445)
A person who gets used to fornication is gradually deprived of faith and deeds. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said, When a person indulges in adultery, faith goes out of him and it floats like a cloud over his head. Then when he repented, faith returned to him. (Abu Dawud: 4690). May Allah bless us all to be free from adultery. Amen.