Not long ago. Shortly before this, the mother used to tell the story and get sleep her child about the earth lies on the back of the fish, the earth floating on the water. Even though, now we know the reality about this. We have learned, there are thousands of mysteries in the solar center. But those stories were true to people up to the 150 Christ. The creation of this stagnant universe and all the mysteries that survive will be left in the name of the Creator or God. Some even raised questions. But they were few in number. Among them was Claudius Ptolemy as one.
Claudius Ptolemy’s Model
Ptolemy proposed an Earth-centric model with the first fixed Earth. He mentioned in this model that all the planets orbit with the center of the fixed Earth, even the sun rotating in a finite range in a circular orbit. However, we still do not know what was beyond the limit. That’s what he mentioned. It was this idea that opened his fate. Christian churches found their paradise and hell on the outskirts of the narrow border. Their religion was mixed with faith and Ptolemy’s theory. Everyone accepted Ptolemy’s world-centered theory. At that time, Plato’s student and heroic teacher of Alexander the Philosopher Aristotle accepted the theory of Ptolemy. As a result, the model reaches the highest limits of trust. Thus, this Earth-centered world theory dominated. The very belief that sometimes blinds people it seems to be excellent evidence.
Limitations of Ptolemy’s Model
Some understood the limitations of Ptolemy’s model. But no one could say anything. And the consequences of those who came to say so were that, in the end, they were forced to abandon their theory and accept Ptolemy’s theory. And most of the compulsory work of this was done by Christian churches. Because in their opinion, disobeying Ptolemy’s theory meant he was a stray, atheist. Ignoring such dangers, Aristarchus, the Greek philosopher of Samos, first brought the talk of the Solar-centric model. That is, all the planets including earth are orbiting around the sun. But for Aristotle, the influential philosopher, this model did not get support in Greece. Perhaps because of this, many still cannot accept Aristotle. The philosopher Arya Vat proposed the solar centrifugal model after about two and a half years. He also could not survive. Later in the middle Ages, al-Hagen of Arabia realized the peculiarity of the solar-centric model and strongly criticized Ptolemy’s theory. But he too had to back off.
Many have begun to take the idea of the Solar-centric model as a curse, despite repeated encounters. Nevertheless, around the 1000 century, Al-Biruni again launched massive propaganda on the Solar-centric model. At one time he faced fierce opposition. Like everyone else, he was obliged to accept Ptolemy’s theory. In this way, Ptolemy’s theory continued to dominate. In the 1300 century, when Al-Qatibi proposed the Solar Concentration, Christian churches did not abandon him. Then no one dared to oppose Ptolemy.
Again according to Al Qatibi’s Solar-centric model, Copernicus introduced the model of the solar center of the universe. In this model, he shows how the planets rotate around the sun. Where explained the planets spin or spin around their respective axes. But for fear of opposing the religion, he published his model in pseudonyms. A few years later, two famous astronomers Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei publicly supported Copernicus’s model. In this, Copernicus took some courage and published his own model with his name in 1543.
The three astrologers encountered strong religious opposition. Yet he did not go back. Referring to the constraints of Ptolemy’s model, they continue to make strong the basis of the Solar centric model to be further strengthened. At one time in 1609, when Ptolemy’s model fell down and Aristotelian professors were greatly getting angry. They persuaded the Catholic Church to reject Copernicus’s theory. As a result, without any justification, in 1616 they declared Copernicus’s theory to be false and wrong and ordered Galileo to stop propagating the model. But he did not comply. He also wrote a book about the fanaticism and authenticity of Copernicus’ model. Besides using the newly discovered telescope for the first time, he discovered the mountains on the moon, the scandal of the sun, the four satellites of Jupiter, and the art of Venus. In the meantime, his book had a wide influence throughout Europe. But the Catholic Churches sent him to the inquisition for disobeying the sanctions imposed on him. Including house arrest, he was ordered to abandon Copernicus’ theory. In this critical moment, he finally agreed with their proposal to save his life. Meanwhile, the second manuscript was transmitted in secret to a Dutch publisher by him. But this life of incarceration led him to blindness and deafness. This greatest philosopher of the time protester died ruthlessly. He remained a symbol of the fight against superstition with science throughout history. Even though Einstein’s name was heard from the name of modern physics, his second manuscript is still the birthplace of modern physics. Without his relativity, Einstein’s relativity cannot be thought of.
Kepler’s Solar Centric Model
The scientist Kepler then established Copernicus’s theory and enriched this model with an explanation of the dynamics of the Earth. He shows how the rotation of the planet, the speed, and rotation of the planets, including the earth around the Sun in the Solar-center model. Whose authenticity is found in the observations? The model was established today with the full support of Newton in 1687.
Aristotle and blind faith in religion kept the truth at a far distance from us for so many years. Besides they have taken away some ages model of the great philosophers that were given to us. For a long time with almost one and a half thousand years, we have written a dark history, embracing only blind faith in religion. However, ignoring the hostility, the names of those persons for whose contribution we have conquered the moon, and Mars today will have been written in gold for ages.
Getting rid of this black history, our thoughts and discoveries about the universe continue to grow. We have named the Milky Way galaxy, comprising a large number of stars, including our sun and known stars. For many years we thought of it as a whole universe. But in 1924 Edwin Hubble proved, this was not the only galaxy in the universe. There are countless galaxies of this kind, with millions and billions of distances of light scales between them. Containing millions and billions of stars. And the galaxy we live in is about a million light-years across the landscape, which revolves around its axis once a hundred million years. The sun is a very common yellow star located here on the edge of this galaxy.
We cannot directly observe or measure the distances of the stars at such a vast distance. But we have a thirst for knowledge. So through the granular analysis of light from all these unknown planets, we came to know about their properties, age, and distance. The intensity of light coming from them is gradually decreasing, from this observation we have discovered that they are moving away from us. And by using this feature, we discovered the theory of the expanding universe. And from this theory, we know that this universe, including our galaxy, will be destroyed once including the sun. And among the galaxies, some stars, whose mass is greater or equal to the mass of the sun, will be silent on their own due to their centrifugal force or gravity. And a black hole will be created. From which light also cannot come out. As a result, these black holes will survive as an unseen invisible force. In which we also can be lost.
Thus, with the death of the sun, the existence of the animal will cease. So, without exploring the slums outside this solar system, we might never stop exploring this universe. Maybe there will be a new need again. That is why we still welcome those who come to explore the universe in this world of thought and research.
Jeion Ahmed
Chittagong, Bangladesh
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